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SONIS® HELMET                                                                                                                  KM 662534
                                                                                                                               BS EN 352-3

The Sonis® range has been stylishly designed with a traffic light
colour code for easy identification. Materials have been chosen
for both performance and comfort over extended periods
of use, with careful design ensuring a small number of key
components for easy maintenance.

               STANDARD      EN352-3

               Sonis®1       26 dB

MATERIALS SNR  Sonis®C       31 dB

               Sonis®3       36 dB                     Sonis® helmet mounted
                                                       ear defenders are tested
               Cups / plate  ABS                       in combination with JSP
                                                       helmets and the EVOGuard®
               Pivot arm     Acetal                    browguard, ensuring the
                                                       correct level of hearing
               Sealing ring  PET-G plate, TPU skin,    protection with each model,
                                Foamed polymer         for certified compatibility.

               Inner foam Polyurethane foam

                             Anechoic chamber testing

PERFORMANCE                                            COMFORT                                  CUSTOMISATION
Designed by the JSP R&D team and                       The force applied by the helmet adaptor  Sonis® cups can be coloured to meet a

developed with a leading UK acoustic                   and the cushion surface area work        corporate identity and printed with a company

engineering research facility, the Sonis®              together to provide optimal pressure     logo, improving brand recognition and helping

helmet mounted range peaks at an                       and comfort.                             to prevent theft. MOQs apply.

unbeaten 36 SNR.
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66