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Designed to provide the ultimate in industrial-grade arc
flash eye and face protection. Tested and rated on the
JSP EVO®5 helmet range, achieving GS-ET-29 arc class
2 and maximum permissible ATPV rating of 25cal/
cm² under ASTM F2178.

STANDARDS              EN 166 Personal eye protection standard

                       GS-ET-29  Faceshields for electrical works

                       2C - 2    Ultraviolet filter scale number
                                 (C = good colour recognition)

TESTING & PERFORMANCE  1 Optical class (1=high, 3=low)             B
                                  Impact rating - Medium energy;

                       B 6 mm, 0.86 g ball travelling at
                                  270mph (435kph)

                       8 Short circuit electric arc class

                       2 Fault Arc Class

                         2 Visible light transmittance class
                       Visors Polycarbonate

*AFP-25 Faceshields are compatible and certified for use with the EVO®5 Helmet range. EVO®5 helmets are sold seperately.

   THERMAL PERFORMANCE                                                UV FILTERING                                           IMPACT RESISTANCE

In testing in accordance with ASTM                                 Faceshield filters harmful optical radiation,          The AFP-25 faceshield is rated B, offering
F2178, the AFP-25 faceshield achieved an                           including ultraviolet light, to protect                medium energy impact protection, for use
Arc Thermal Performance Value (ATPV)                               against ocular damage such as                          against projected particles and debris.
of 41cal/cm2.                                                      photokeratitis and blindness.

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